Ensure that employees are familiar with safety precautions and procedures associated with confined spaces.
Confined Space Introduction.
Confined Spaces PTW.
Site Controller.
Control of Work Coordinator.
Area Authority.
Confined Spaces Supervisor Skills & Responsibility.
Lockout /Tag out Process.
Gas Test & Monitoring.
Confined Space Example.
Definitions of confined spaces.
Supervisor, Entrant, Attendant & Rescue Team Member.
Restricted Space.
Confined Space Documentation.
Confined Space Cleaning Processes.
Permit-required confined spaces Review.
Non Permit-required confined spaces.
Accident statistics, case studies.
Permit-required confined space entry policies, procedures and Working Procedures.
Alternate entry procedures for confined spaces.
Definitions and descriptions of hazardous atmospheres.
Concentration of potential gases may found in confined space.
Confined space signage and labeling.
Identifying hazards associated with confined space entry.
How to complete a confined space entry permit and hot-work permit.
Equipment used for confined space entry, including PPE, ventilators, atmospheric testing devices(Gas detection Equipment),Self-contained breathing apparatus SCBA, etc.
Rules governing outside contractors.
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